Sanitary and veterinary safety regulations in feeds and feed additives (Decree № 10 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, February 10th, 2011) (In Russian(PDF, 415 kb)

Requirements for varietal and sowing qualities of agricultural seeds (Decree № 37 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, October 29th, 2015) (In Russian) (PDF, 4,77 Mb)

  • Features of premix formulation. Standards and practical aspects of their application. M. Ukhov, ruminant feeding technologist at LLC LAKRUA, Master of Agricultural Sciences. International Agriculture Forum. Minsk, Belarus. 27.09.2024.  In Russian(PDF, 4.13 Mb)
  • Ecobiol — an effective stabilizer of intestinal microflora with a scientifically proven mechanism of action on the bodies of animals and birds. K. Salandaev, poultry technologist at LLC LAKRUA, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. International Agriculture Forum. Minsk, Belarus. 27.09.2024.  In Russian(PDF, 3.43 Mb)
  • Kofasil — silage additives based on organic acids and their salts. Professor Andreas Millimonka, Technical Director and Director of Research and Development for Ruminant Products at ADDCON (Germany). Master of Agricultural Sciences. International Agriculture Forum. Minsk, Belarus. 27.09.2024.  In Russian(YouTube Video)
  • KOFASIL® STABIL Chemical additive to improve aerobic stability. (PDF, 2.05 Mb)
  • Carnitine in the feeding of broiler turkeys R. Bogomolova, Dr. Biol. Sciences, Mari State University. Magazine "Kombikorma" №9 2015. In Russian. (PDF, 78.36 kb)
  • L-carnitine. Why is it needed? Magazine " Kombikorma " №11 2014. In Russian. (PDF, 86.4 kb)
  • European Parent Stock ROSS 308: Feed Specifications. 2021. In Russian. (PDF, 99.95 kb)
  • Broiler Farming Guide ROSS. 2018. In Russian. (PDF, 4.24 Mb)
  • BROILER ROSS: Nutrition Specifications. 2022. (PDF, 165.92 kb)
  • ROSS Parent Stock Guide. 2018. In Russian. (PDF, 6.01 Mb)
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome of fatty liver in poultry. In Russian(PDF, 447.56 kb)
  • IMPACT OF HEAT STRESS ON LAYERS: Management tips for improving flock performance in hot weather. In Russian. (PDF, 1.36 Mb)
  • Understanding the role of the skeleton in egg production. In Russian. (PDF, 930.6 kb)
  • Salmonella, mycoplasma, and monitoring of avian influenza in parent flocks. In Russian. (PDF, 641.71 kb)
  • Thiamine deficiency. In Russian. (PDF, 339.34 kb)
  • KOFASIL® S 1.2 One product, two benefits. Improvement of aerobic resistance and prevention of ketosis in dairy cows. In Russian. (PDF, 1.96 Mb)
  • KOFASIL® FQM. Homofermentative inoculant for improving the quality of fermentation in silage. In Russian. (PDF, 1.73Mb)
  • Broiler recommendations energy and amino acids. CJ BIO Europe. (PDF, 445.42 kb)
  • Swine recommendations energy and amino acids. CJ BIO Europe. (PDF, 723.86 kb)
  • Influence of active dry yeast "Active Yeast" on the processes of fermentation in the rumen, changes in the bacterial community in the gastrointestinal tract and the productivity of dairy cows of the Holstein breed. Journal "Belarusian Agriculture" No. 12 (248) 2022. Maxim Ukhov Technologist Lakrua LLC. In Russian. (PDF, 1.06 Mb)
  • Hydroxychlorides of trace elements. Recommendations for use. In Russian. (PDF, 5.03 Mb)
  • About the Pennsylvania Sith and more. Journal "Belarusian Agriculture" No. 7 (243) 2022. Maxim Ukhov Technologist Lakrua LLC. In Russian. (PDF, 862.32 kb)
  • Effect of preparation on the growth of Formi NDF-weighting of broiler chickens. Afanasyeva T.V., Volkov A.Kh. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman. In Russian. (PDF, 79.55 kb)
  • Feed acidifying agent Formi NDF in the broiler-chickens rations. Afanasyeva T.V., Volkov A.KH. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman. In Russian. (PDF, 208.96 kb)
  • ADDCON XF Superfine. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent for feed. In Russian. (PDF, 473.37 kb)
  • ADDCON XNC. Optimization of water hygiene. In Russian. (PDF, 451.49 kb)
  • FORM NDF. Quality Improver. In Russian. (PDF, 702.67 kb)
  • KOFASIL LIQUID. Ensiling. Proven solution of silage salts to ensure the quality of the fermentation of silage from grass, legumes and whole grain plants. In Russian. (PDF, 602.58 kb)
  • KOFASIL STABIL. Chemical silage additive to improve the aerobic stability of silage. In Russian. (PDF, 823.79 kb)
  • Kofa Grain - pH 5. Preservative for wet grains and corn. In Russian. (PDF, 684.25 kb)
  • COFASIL LIQUID. "Green chemistry" for ensiling. In Russian. (PDF, 6.14 Mb)
  • Influence of Active Yeast feed additive on productive qualities of young dairy replacement cattle. Svetlana V. Moshkina, Svetlana N. Khimicheva. Orel State Agrarian University named after Parakhina N.V. In Russian. (PDF, 331.66 kb)
  • The use of organic selenium in diets of laying hens of Lohmann brown cross. Prytkov YU. N., Kistina A. A., Dorozhkinа E. I., Kukolina N. V. (PDF, 437.83 kb)
  • Protease helps reduce environmental impact. A. Smith, DSM. Magazine "Kombikorma" №2 2022. (PDF, 636.58 kb)
  • Natural source of magnesium in the diets of cattle, pigs and laying hens. Magazine "Kombikorma" №5 2022. (PDF, 1.28 Mb)
  • Basic principles of fodder harvesting. When every moment is key. IX All-Belarusian Forum of Livestock Breeders. Zakhar Shafikov Chief Technologist Lakrua LLC. In Russian. (PDF, 3.41 Mb)
  • Yeast production technology and products for ruminants. IX All-Belarusian Forum of Livestock Breeders. Maxim Ukhov Technologist Lakrua LLC. In Russian. (PDF, 4.99 Mb)
  • Improving carcass parameters in broilers with L-Arginine. (PDF, 133 kb)
  • Natugrain TS Take the advantage of more cost-effective solution. In Russian. (PDF, 596.2 kb)
  • The role of acidifiers in increasing productivity. L. Podobed, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. (Compound feeds №10, 2013). In Russian. (PDF, 266.39 kb)
  • Pigs love tasty food too. S. Kuznetsov, Prof., Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, A. Ovcharenko, Candidate of Biological Sciences. In Russian. (PDF, 231.42 kb)
  • Biofortification of hen eggs: vitamins and carotenoids (review) A.Sh. Kavtarashvili, V.M. Kodentsova, V.K. Mazo, D.V. Risnik, I.L. Stefanova (Agricultural Biology, 2017, vol. 52). In Russian. (PDF, 381.24 kb)
  • Seven questions about antibiotics in feed. Aidan Connolly, Chief Innovation Officer, Alltech. (Compound feeds №1, 2017). In Russian. (PDF, 88.56 kb)
  • The use of red fruit flavors in pig feed. D. Tedó, Lucta S.A., Spain (Compound feeds №1, 2017). In Russian. (PDF, 202.41 kb)
  • Modern approaches to laying hens feeding. I. Egorov, Dr. of Biological Sciences, Academician of RAS (Compound feeds №2, 2017). In Russian. (PDF, 194.71 kb)
  • Enzyme preparation in diets of lactating cows. A. Betin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Compound feeds №2, 2017). In Russian. (PDF, 115.24 kb)


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