The composition of pasture grass blends includes the following crops:
- pasture ryegrass
- hybrid ryegrass
- common timothy
- meadow fescue
- red fescue
- festulolium
- cocksfoot
- bluegrass
- creeping clover
Lakrua LLC offers FEEDMAX grass blends by DLF-TRIFOLIUM A/S (Denmark) for the customers in the Republic of Belarus. The FEEDMAX series includes the whole range of grass formations of various compositions developed by specialists for various agricultural engineering conditions and needs of the buyer for the purpose to have a highly productive fodder producing facility. With various terms of ripeness, components of FEEDMAX grass blend ensure a more regular growing of herbage on the crop ground, thereby maintaining a continuous pasture conveyor throughout the vegetation season. High growth energy and quick sodding allows using cultivated pastures with the FEEDMAX grass blend as soon as in the seeding year.
The composition of grass blends for cutting includes the following crops:
- pasture ryegrass;
- hybrid ryegrass;
- annual ryegrass;
- common timothy;
- meadow fescue;
- red fescue;
- reed fescue;
- festulolium;
- cocksfoot;
- smooth brome;
- lucerne;
- meadow clover;
- hybrid clover.
Lakrua LLC offers grass blends for cutting with balanced compositions for each specific buyer in the Republic of Belarus with purpose to achieve high fodder production performance. In the course of making up the composition of the grass blend for cutting, experts of Lakrua LLC will take into consideration all wishes of the buyer in complex. The trading and production process in the company is arranged, so that we can offer high-quality imported and domestic seeds within the composition of blends at low prices.